Sunday 16 March 2014


Let me ask you a riddle. "I am something, I belong to you but others use me more than you use me...What Am I?"

What is the effect of a name on ones' life?...Are names just mere items of identification? Would it surprise you to know that some people don't know the meanings of their names... Do names in anyway contribute to the over-all turn out of our lives? Would it be superstitious to say a name has a huge effect on one's life? Should we really keep bearing the names of some great great grand parents we never met?

I am aware that most African names are hinged on experiences, expectations, current situation of the parents and sometimes, traditional influences of the parents. Yet, are these the most germane things to consider when naming a child?.I am sure you know one or two persons who bear names you would not like to be called...I may not want to mention names...

Unlike most names from the Western World like, Cup, Pit, Pat, Pet, Putt etc, that appears vague to us, African names are mostly phrases, sentences and sometimes a full-fledged story encoded in one word. However, the bearer, in this context, the child has no fore-knowledge of it, remains unaware of the name until maturity and may be compelled to stay with the name throughout life-time.

In a case where you are now of age and you are not satisfied with the import your name brings, would you be wrong to "edit,delete,undo or re-invent" a name for yourself?

I brought this to your purview because I met someone with a name so odd that he couldn't say it confidently, he had to start some sort of explanation about his ancestors and all...his name turns out scary... The guys name is "Onwu" in Ibo, meaning "Death" and he said "forget about the surname" I figured it could have been worse. I pressed a bit and he told me its their great grand father's name who was a great warrior and diviner of one the major shrines in his village...Deep Breath!...Why don't you do something about it? I asked. " I suggested it to my father once and he threatened to disown me if I try to bear any other name" It was very clear this man was in great displeasure about what his name offered.
Please share your views

You may have one negated name but please spare your child the trouble, risk and doom-drive. Ensure that the naming ceremony which the child did not really partake remains a source of celebration for the child everyday of life.

Check out Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:9

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  1. Admin, I must say that it still surprise me when some parents of nowadays who claim to be christian, still engage in giving there children on kind devilish name that has no impact in helping the child in the nearby future. The law has made it possible for us to easily change our name if it doesn't suits us, thus I advice anybody in this situation especially the Mr "Onwu" to take a bold step to change his name. Thanks. 1st to comment for the first time in my Bonded home history. A way forward

    1. So does changing his name change his character and behaviour?

  2. Its not particularly the meaning of the name that determines the individual's success/progress. There's a saying that "What you don't know doesn't know you". The scary ancestral names have no effect on the person. Its rather superstitious. On the other hand, if one gets to dislike the name he/she was given from birth, its not a sin to change it. God is supreme.

  3. Funmexy2:21 am

    a name tells a lot about about a person. it tell the background the person is from. a name determines the progress.i don't support the idea of naming an innocent child after some events that the child was not part of. parents should give their children names that will sow good seeds into their future. in the case of Mr. Onwu, it is his life, he should change the name. his father is living his own life, everyone would be make to give account for his own life on the last day. pl we need to sow good seeds into our children's lives. let people hear their names and pray for the parents. God bless us all

    1. Well said, I wanna believe most of us have a christian barground and have the knowledge of the importance of a name. Yet I would aldo have us knoe again that even people who bear correct names are not living in consonance with the name they bear. Have u not heard of an armed robber when he was caught and he was asked of his name, he said 'Christian'. Have u not seen a very hopeless person who bears the name hope. Common, their parents never intended them so. It was the situation that was built around them. Until heaven bears record of a change of character in a life, change of name even advertised will do no man good.

  4. Change your name to KILLER and let's see whether it will attract success or failure

  5. house of kaffy8:52 am

    A name matters a lot, you can change your name if you don't like it!

  6. Anonymous8:53 am

    There is no good reason once name should turn to a history highlight. It's very wonderful to bear a beautiful name. I cherish my native name cos those that know the meaning wants to meet me to confirm. I bear "Mmachi".. "God's beauty", it works for me. When a child is born it should be an inspiration to prophesy a better future in case the present situation was not too good. Margaret.

  7. Anonymous10:44 am

    Our names has a lot to do with our personality. Personally I believe there is power in a spoken word. If you have a name like Mr. Onwu, my dear you need a change of name. Darkness will always be deadly while light brings joy.


  8. Anonymous3:39 pm

    This is very good. My own question is, why should some parents even name children after their own the one the yorubas call babatunde, yetunde...isn't it an unecessary imposition of another persons life on the child? Ambr. Jubril

  9. Names sure means a lot. people may not necessarily turn out as their name exactly is, but that doesn't change the relevance of a good name. after all, it is said that a good name is better than riches.
    nice one blogger

  10. This is highly debateable bt names play a significant role in one's life! For instance in the case of Mr. Onwu, do u knw that everyday not less than 10people wld pronounce death on him unconsciously by mere calling his name? That's somefin to worry abt if u ask me! If Jabez's name didn't play a negative role in his life, he may not have recognised the Angel let alone wrestled all for just a NAME CHANGE!!! Ponder abit on these words! Before christianity came to africa, we were all worshiping the devil (idols), if u remember that, u wld realise the importance of ur name in ur life! God bless!
