Saturday 9 August 2014


Where ever you go...
Where ever you may be
Do not say yes
When you mean to say No
Say No.

Do you remember this song? It was widely sung in Nigerian primary schools a decade ago. I am not sure it will still be in use now. They now sing sophisticated "ajebutter" kind of songs. As simple as the lyrics appear, they teach very deep philosophy of being wise and sincere about one's expression and reaction considering its effects on everyone.

Julian writes..."I don't understand my wife anymore...or let me just say, I don't understand women. My wife expects me to read her mind and just magically know what she intends saying without uttering a word which in most cases, she would say YES when she means NO.

Recently, my younger brother proposed coming to spend their long break with us...I told my wife about it. These were my exact word "Honey, Ochuko and Afor would like to spend some time with us, what do you think?" And she responds "Why not".              
Please isn't that an express and emphatic YES?
After a "Yes" from my wife, I simply told them to come whenever they wanted. For the past 2 weeks that they have been in the house, my wife has gone cold to everyone...including me.   I don't need any soothsayer to tell me, it had to do with the arrival of my siblings...she isn't quarreling but she is not talking...I put one and two together and decided to have a word with her. "Honey, is there any problem? Please talk to me. You have been very quiet and I am worried"
"Let everybody just leave me alone in this house..."
"What's the matter?" "Did you talk with me before bringing your siblings to the house? If it were my siblings, I know how long it would take me to convince you" she screamed. I was shocked. "But I told you and you said "Why not" "Is "why not" same thing as YES or ITS OKAY? She hammered... "Please, let everyone leave me alone. Have I not been doing what I should do?" She asked.

By morning, I called my siblings, gave them some good money...good enough to make them not feel I was asking them out of my house and I told them to leave.
My wife takes a new defensive turn..."Why would you ask them to leave, so they can say I am the one turning you against them? Please don't spoil my name o, Julian don't make me devil among your people o, I am begging you".                          I was really confused. What was the cure for her anger when she claimed I didn't consult her before allowing them to come..."Is it not to send them out"?

I had to ask a friend if his wife does same...he confirmed in the affirmative and said my wife tried when she said "Why not" that meant "no". That his wife would say a loud "No, that means Yes" He told me how he asked his wife if she would want a change of car, judging from the fact that her car was now very old and is giving so much trouble...and his wife answered with a Straight Face, "NO". He decided not to push it and used the money to finance surgery for his mother abroad...

One day, he got back from work and his wife was not home yet her car was parked at the garage. She came home very late, looking angry and tired. He asked her what happened and she began..."Don't ask me, you want me to go around in public transport...I have started it, hope you are happy now"...this was a woman he asked if she wanted a change of car...and got a NO response. Now she is implying that her husband is not caring enough...

@bondbetter, I think this is a character that women are really guilty of...Please let them help us out. We need to know when yes means yes and no means no and when yes means no and no means yes. You see how confusing these look?

Julian has said it all, please enlighten us.


  1. Timmie12:30 pm

    It's not strange to hear this,because women sometimes behave like what they represents, their very selfish nature,yes,its a common tendency for a woman to nag, and not open up. Remember the proverb of King Solomon "It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman."

  2. The worst of it all is that after saying No that means Yes, or Yes that means No, for the husband to actually find out her true mind, it takes Forever, thereby causing some disoderliness in the Home. Women should really help us out here by letting out dia minds from Adams, rada than causing un necessary panic in the home. Am out
