Monday 28 April 2014


“Now I need to tell my mother to get a HIV test done. I just got my terrible news...I am positive" and this implies that my mum certainly has it too. I am Lucia, an only child who lost her father at age seven. My mother re-married when I was fourteen years old and it has been more destructive than supportive to us. My step father is a building contractor while my mother is a diplomat. As a diplomat, mum was always away. She stays briefly and is away for long leaving our house help, Etteh, myself and her husband alone.
While away, my step father, whom I now see as an infected he-goat would start making passes at me. He would grab me at every opportunity, call me into their room for errands at odd hours...and after a while, with several threats, he over-powered me...he forced his way through...and I lost my flower to my step-father. Whenever mum is around, I make attempts to confess to her but she would always postpone our conversation..."because of her busy schedule", I discovered I started having feelings for him, and I started caring for my "dad" until one day when he sent me to his room as usual for the usual purpose, as I cleared the table, a paper fell off, I picked it up and guess what...It was his HIV result...He is positive. While I felt sorry for him and tried holding my scream, It dawned on me that my grave is already being dug.
...I have confirmed and yes, I have it too.
Finally after two months away, my mum shows up, by this time, my “dad” and I are fully aware of our status and there is a big dilemma. My mum finds out and she hurriedly did a test and found out she was negative. Now she is pointing hands of accusation at me, calling me a bad daughter that has stolen her joy and brought her shame. How is this my fault?
When I did everything possible to tell her but she would not listen and her husband was also threatening to tell my mum that I am the one seducing him if I don’t allow him have his way’’
‘’I am deeply offended by all men and I will spread the "sexual good-news" to all of you. In short, anyone that comes close would get his share’’
‘’How else could I have done it?
I don’t know what to do, I need help. She wants me out of her life and my step-father is claiming he got it from me. Please what should I do?’’
My people, you have read it all. My quick advice, don’t go holding anyone that is not your wife let alone allowing the devil trick you into sleeping with them. “E no dey show for face o”
What is your take on this issue?
Parenting gone wrong?
At fourteen and above, is she still naïve?
Any precautions?


  1. this is serious o. your mother can not be spared for not raising you up right. but my dear , your future is now in your hands. and you are the one with the disease now. You need Jesus.

  2. Revenge isn't the best, my dear hold on to God and try to get the best out of life

  3. Tglasses11:49 am

    You don't really need to spread the "sexual good news". Revenge isn't d solution to dis. Accept d fact dat u're positive and move on. It all boil down to ur poor upbringing without any parental guidance. Leave ur step-father to God, he'll surely get his reward. Above all, trust in God cuz there's nothing too hard for Him to do. He can turn ur status around.

  4. Anonymous1:43 pm

    U̶̲̥̅̊ are Healed IJN, go and confirm U̶̲̥̅̊r Healing...

  5. I'm gutted, infact, I'm crying now. Here's my conclusion" a wicked step dad, a poor girl and a foolish mother" I pray she do not spread it as planned. May God console her. Amen. Am out, but still sad.

  6. It's pathetic how mothers chose career, and forget their basic role in the family, she is a disgrace to motherhood, as for the step father, shame u on sleeping with ur daughter, u can get any woman of ur choice y her, girl u got no excuse for ur stupidity, not now when u could communicate thru any social media for help from friends who could in one way or d other stopped u from this mess, u go register for treatment and most of all give ur life to God, cause He alone can determine ur fate from now on.

  7. And as for d sexual goods news like u called it, try it and I a sure u won't get away with it, cause that u were morally not brought up well is no excuse for sin, I hope u know that, so go get help from Jesus Christ of Nazareth, d only man who is true to everyone

  8. Very pathetic. May God hv mercy on gal who can not report d issue to her mum cos of threat frm her step dad, d mum who prefer her career to d proper up bring of her child n d step dad who can not control himself. May God c u tru baby gal.

  9. Everyone is at fault..... I feel for the girl... Illegitimate stepfather...

  10. Anonymous2:24 am

    Hmmm short of words,how would she live with herself....the damage has already been done, my advice is my dear make the best of the remaining days you have on earth. Don't spread it rather accept it with a positive mindset and change out world with your story

